2 years ago, Mataro doll company, which specialises in traditional Japanese dolls, produced a Hatsune Miku Hina doll. A Hina doll is a doll that is displayed during Girl's day or Hina matsuri, which is held on the 3rd of March. The unusual things about this doll were that it was not for sale and did not have a male doll to accompany it. The reason why this is the case is that the manufacturer wanted to represent how an independent woman could achieve her dreams by herself. After looking at the doll's face for the recommended three minutes, I thought that Hatsune Miku was full of happiness but still delicate.
Primarily, Hina matsuri is used to wish for a girl's happiness and marriage. However, today women may not get married. Also, by displaying a female and male doll together, it seems to connect a girl's happiness to her marriage. Nowadays, women do not need a husband and can be independent.
However, for women with a disability, it is a bit different. It seems to be that a woman with a disability cannot become independent and happiness is not possible. While I am employed, because of my disability, I don't think I will ever be successful. While this is how I feel now, maybe the future will be different. Outside of work, I want to lose weight, be healthier and lose my self doubts. While this world does not suit me, by achieving my dreams, maybe the world will become better.
Like the Hatsune Miku Hina doll, I want independence and happiness. Even if I am a delicate woman, I can be strong, independent and successful.
If you want to look at the article I first discovered the Hatsune Miku doll, click here.
Monday, 2 March 2020
Tuesday, 31 December 2019
Goals for 2020
2019 has ended with me starting a full time job. While it is not science related, it is a start. Because of that I can now afford to buy more Lolita clothing. However, there is one issue... most of my current Lolita wardrobe does not fit me. I knew I gained weight doing my Honours degree but I thought I lost a good amount of it.
Despite the aforementioned issue, I wore Lolita to a meet up once this year after more than three years since wearing it. I was nervous at first, but did get more comfortable with it. Maybe I'll wear Lolita more often in 2020.
In order to expand my wardrobe and feel ready to buy more, I will need to lose weight. For me, this isn't just about losing weight, it is also about getting healthier. This is because some of my habits are not that healthy. For example, I do have a tendency to overeat which is difficult to overcome when there is an abundance of food and being short does not help.
Therefore, in 2020, I intend to get healthier, lose weight and wear Lolita more often. If I can fit into more of my Lolita wardrobe, I intend to buy more Lolita clothing in the new year. Speaking of buying more Lolita clothing, I do like the Eternal Doll Set lucky pack from Angelic Pretty for 2020 but it would not fit me at my current weight and may also not fit at my healthy, natural weight but I'll see where my weight loss leads me.
I also intend to post a few health related posts as well as Lolita related posts. I don't know what I'll post about in terms of health yet but if anyone has any suggestions feel free to comment.
Despite the aforementioned issue, I wore Lolita to a meet up once this year after more than three years since wearing it. I was nervous at first, but did get more comfortable with it. Maybe I'll wear Lolita more often in 2020.
In order to expand my wardrobe and feel ready to buy more, I will need to lose weight. For me, this isn't just about losing weight, it is also about getting healthier. This is because some of my habits are not that healthy. For example, I do have a tendency to overeat which is difficult to overcome when there is an abundance of food and being short does not help.
Therefore, in 2020, I intend to get healthier, lose weight and wear Lolita more often. If I can fit into more of my Lolita wardrobe, I intend to buy more Lolita clothing in the new year. Speaking of buying more Lolita clothing, I do like the Eternal Doll Set lucky pack from Angelic Pretty for 2020 but it would not fit me at my current weight and may also not fit at my healthy, natural weight but I'll see where my weight loss leads me.
I also intend to post a few health related posts as well as Lolita related posts. I don't know what I'll post about in terms of health yet but if anyone has any suggestions feel free to comment.
Saturday, 17 August 2019
Doing a double twisting double tuck when everyone else gets by with a back tuck
This is part 2 of my Finding a job with autism series. For part 1, click here.
This post is difficult to write but I feel it has to be
done. For too long, the voices of those with autism have been silent or
ignored. This has had an impact on how people with autism exist in this world.
Using something that was recently done in gymnastics, I will explain how people
with autism have to do a bigger effort than neurotypical people in order to
make their way in this world.
Recently, Simone Biles was the first person in the world to
do a double twisting double tuck (double double) off the balance beam, which is
an amazing achievement. This could be
used as a metaphor for the amount of difficulty people with autism have to do
in order to function in this world. On the other hand, neurotypical people can
do similar things in a social setting with the amount of difficulty that is
needed to jump off or just do a back tucked somersault (back tuck) off the
beam. However, the double double looks like a back tuck until the person with
autism makes a mistake or a person knows them for an extended period of time
and picks up on the differences. But the differences can look a lot worse than
a back tuck off the beam.
The first thing that feels like a double double off the beam
to me are questionnaires that are used in order to screen candidates for a job.
While most people may fake the answers to a certain degree, I have to guess
what the potential employer wants as an answer. If I answer the way I want to,
employers may not see me as a “team player” and choose to not give me an
interview. Even though it can be stated to answer the questions naturally, if I
do that, it might allow the employer to reject me. One screening technique that
is worse than the questionnaires is a facial emotion recognition test. Unless it is related to the requirements of
the job, it is a tool of discrimination against people with autism. While I can
read basic emotions, I find it hard to pick up on the more subtle signs of
human emotion due to having autism.
Job interviews are another thing that requires more effort
on my part to be successful in. So far I have not been able to get a job when I
have had to do an interview. I believe this is because I have to adopt
neurotypical ways of speaking and use mannerisms that are not natural to me. On
top of that, I still have to sell myself, which is already difficult. If
employers are serious about employing people with autism, they need to remove
interviews and allow the candidate to sell themselves through their work rather
than having to behave like a walking advertisement or a snake oil salesman.
Other social situations are demanding and the anxiety of not
knowing how to react in these situations is demanding and can be exhausting.
This leads to me having to “mask” no matter how unsuccessful it can be at
times. It is easier to pretend to be normal as a child due to social situations
being easier or that children are more accepting. However, high school is a
tougher environment to be in. I was constantly bullied in high school. This has
lead to me hiding my autism and feeling hurt when people pick up on me being
different. It is not their fault that I
can feel offended but from my experiences in high school, it does hurt me
because I fear being bullied or discriminated against again.
It may be easy to say “It’s ok to have autism” or “be proud
of having autism” but in this world, it is a lot harder to think that way. For the neurotypicals reading this post, if
any of you know or think you know someone with autism, be more understanding
and consider that what is jumping off or doing a back tuck off the beam may be
a double double off the beam to them. Also, pointing out the social
difficulties may be hurtful to them, no matter how sensitive you think you are
in doing it.
Note: This blog post
may not be reproduced partially or in full without my written consent. If you
wish to use this blog post in any form, you must write to me first.
Monday, 12 August 2019
Why I can’t get employed with a disability
This is part 1 of my Finding a job with autism series.
More than three years since my last post, I have done an Honours degree and have been unable to find a job but have done casual positions for a few elections.
More than three years since my last post, I have done an Honours degree and have been unable to find a job but have done casual positions for a few elections.
After doing an Honours degree, I want to do a PhD one day
but before then, I feel that I need some more experience in research. This
means that I have to find a job as a research assistant. But finding a job when
I have a disability is harder in a world that does not seem to think that
people with a disability make good employees.
In 2018, it was discovered that many Japanese government agencies
were not meeting compulsory employment quotas for people with a disability even
though they met these quotas on paper. This happened because the employees counted
for this quota were not properly confirmed as people with a disability and
agencies seemed to be exploiting loopholes. This caused a scandal in Japan.
While Australia does not have employment quotas for people
with a disability, there is a scheme called RecruitAbility that allows people
with a disability to advance to the next stage in the employment process if
they meet the minimum standards for some public service jobs. This could be
seen as a way for the public service to increase the number of employees with a
disability. However, this
journal article stated that out of 1,193 positions opting in to the
RecruitAbility scheme, only 43 people with a disability were employed. In other
words, only 3.6% of positions were filled by someone with a disability. This is
not acceptable when a large number of people with a disability are unemployed
and looking for work.
From my experience, while I have been able to get a few
video and face to face interviews for jobs that were advertised under the
aforementioned scheme, I have not been successful. I know that as someone with
a disability, it is harder for me to find a job but the disability I have,
which is a form of autism, makes the interview stage a lot tougher.
As someone on the autism spectrum, I have to compete for a
job under a system that disadvantages me. The system requires me to have
certain abilities in social communication that I do not have due to my
disability. No wonder why in 2015 the unemployment rate for people with autism
was 31.6% in Australia compared to 10% for people with a disability in general.
If this is to change, employers need to be creative in how they find suitable
employees. Maybe remove the interview stage and find other ways in choosing
someone for the job. A job trial or a chance to provide a sample of the work
required are my suggestions. As someone
with autism, there is a good chance that I will not do well in an interview but
if I was able to show my ability to do a job in another way, I might be able to
get a job.
The longer I stay unemployed, the harder it is going to be
to find a job. It would be nice to find
a job before the end of this year. Unfortunately,
I am not the only one struggling in finding employment while having a
disability. If things do not change, Australia will be the next country with a
disability employment scandal.
For part 2 of this blog series, click here.
For part 2 of this blog series, click here.
Note: This blog post
may not be reproduced partially or in full without my written consent. If you
wish to use this blog post in any form, you must write to me first.
Sunday, 17 April 2016
アンジェリック・プリティの Strawberry Whipのレビュー (Angelic Pretty's Strawberry Whip Review)
今日のプリントのレビューは日本語と英語で初めて書きました。今日のプリントはプリティさんのStrawberry Whipというシリースです。
Today’s print review is the first one written in English and
Japanese on this blog. The print I am reviewing today is AP’s Strawberry Whip
まず、ワンピースです。 普通のワンピースの姿ですが、ヘムはリボンが可愛くて、プリントによく似合います。そして、甘ロリの物ですが、チョーカーはワンピースが上品になると思います。けど、シャーリングがないので、色々なサイズに合わないかもしれません。アイボリーはデザートのクリームのような色だから、綺麗です。
First is the OP. While it is in the usual OP shape, the bows
on the hem are cute and complement the print. Also, the choker does make the OP
look elegant despite it being a Sweet Lolita piece. However, because it has no
shirring, it may not fit a variety of body shapes. The ivory colourway is
pretty because the main colour matches the colour of the cream on the pastries.Next is the mini sleeve OP. Because the collar is wide, if you removed the ribbon, it would become boring. Because of that, you should probably place a necklace instead of the ribbon if you choose to remove it. As the OP has a simple shape, it makes the print pop out. Also, as there is shirring and sleeve elastic, it should fit multiple body shapes. The pink colourway makes the print cuter, in my opinion.
Last is the jumper skirt. Just like with the OP, the bows on the hem are cute and the frill adds a bit of a classical feeling to the JSK. However, this is not a Classic Lolita piece. Because it is a jumper skirt, it will look nice with a blouse or a cardigan. Because there is shirring, it should fit various body shapes but I believe the mini sleeve OP is more elastic. The lavender does make it easier to see the print.
Whip を買うことが出来れば、何の色とワンピースとかミニ袖ワンピースとかジャンパースカートを決めることが難しいです。なぜなら、全てを好みます。
The red colourway does make it have a country feel in my
opinion. This print is cute and pretty. While AP’s strawberry prints are
lovely, I think it would be good if the next one had white strawberries such as
Hatsukoi no kaori (an expensive white strawberry in Japan) on it. If I could
buy Strawberry Whip, I would find it hard to choose which cut and colour
because I like all of them.Saturday, 6 February 2016
少女の夢 (A girl’s dreams)
is my first blog post in Japanese and English. Feel free to read it. The English
version is on the bottom of this post.
cookie collection のジャンパスカートと Dramatic Roseのスカートです。けど、プリティさんと他のブランドの洋服を買いたいと思いますが、お金をもらう為に、就職しなければなりません。これは優しくないです。
I enjoy wearing Sweet Lolita because it’s cute, I like
pastel colours and it uses cute motifs. Up to now, the only brand garments I
own are Angelic Pretty’s Cream Cookie Collection jumperskirt and Dramatic Rose
skirt. However, I want to buy clothing from other brands as well as from AP. In
order to get the money needed to do that, I have to get a job, which is not
While I am waiting for a job, I want to learn more about hair
and makeup that is related to Lolita. For example, I have a katyusha but I do
not know how to wear it. Because of that, I will try some of the ideas from
Misako Aoki’s Lolita Fashion Book. Also, while I do not wear nail polish, I
want to try using that too. Because I have long hair, I think it would be good
to try various hair styles.
I want to wear Lolita more often but I don’t want to be a
lifestyle Lolita. Currently, I am part of my local Lolita group and enjoy it.
As for me, because of Lolita, I think it is necessary for me
to keep in shape. In order to avoid gaining weight, I do things such as yoga
and watching what I eat. My current goals for yoga are to be able to do
inversions, crow pose and full wheel pose.
My dream that is not related to Lolita is to become a
researcher. However, it is difficult to do that at this moment but I will try
my best.
Saturday, 2 January 2016
New Years 2016
Happy new year!
To start off the first post of the new year, I am going to update on the yoga goals I created in June. Currently, I am able to hold shoulderstand and forearm stand for one or two seconds and have improved on my headstands. As for arm balances and backbends, I have improved a fair bit.
As I have done a Loliday post a month ago, I will only describe my hopes for my Lolita life in 2016. I would like to wear Lolita more often and post my coords online using my new Instagram account. While this is mainly a Lolita fashion blog, I will be posting yoga related photos in there as well.
To start off the first post of the new year, I am going to update on the yoga goals I created in June. Currently, I am able to hold shoulderstand and forearm stand for one or two seconds and have improved on my headstands. As for arm balances and backbends, I have improved a fair bit.
As I have done a Loliday post a month ago, I will only describe my hopes for my Lolita life in 2016. I would like to wear Lolita more often and post my coords online using my new Instagram account. While this is mainly a Lolita fashion blog, I will be posting yoga related photos in there as well.
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Photo from See To World. |
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